
About Bloeme van der Sluis,

childcare worker in the "crèche", located opposite the Hollandsche Schouwburg.

Bloeme van der Sluis was the only child of Belnart van der Sluis and Serlina Salomons. She was born on 10 March 1924 at Muiderstraat 9 in Amsterdam and in 1931, BLoeme moved with her parents to Hunzestraat 11, 2nd floor.

At the time of the mandatory registration of all Jews in the Netherlands in 1941, Bloeme was registered as a nanny. In that capacity, the Jewish Council granted her a reprieve from deportation, but did not receive an official “Sperre”. She became a childcare worker in the creche, opposite the Hollandse Schouwburg at Plantage Middenlaan 31.

On 24 July 1943, a month after the big raid of 20 June, the 19-year-old Bloeme van der Sluis was arrested and taken to Westerbork. On 31 August, she was deported to Auschwitz with more than 1000 other victims and immediately murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau upon arrival there on 2 September 1943.

Sources include the Amsterdam City Archives, family registration card of Belnart van der Sluis, archive card of Bloeme van der Sluis; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Bloeme van der Sluis; website Middenlaan 31/crèche (dutch language only) and the Wikipedia website Jewish transports from

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